SC Johnson

I was brought in to help push the creative with this notoriously conservative company. The ideas created pushed them with a more contemporary wit and charm.

Oust Cinema.

SC Johnson wanted to premier their new Oust Air Cleaners could clean bad odors out of any house. They literally said that. So we gave it to them. In theaters, before the show would start we featured what appeared to be an ad for local realtor—Jane Oustinhouse. Though the homes she had listed weren’t easy on the eyes, S.C. Johnson was going to smell the profit from marketing in this experience. This was purposely “cheesely” made to run in movie theaters before previews start.

Glass Box.

SC Johnson wanted to barrow equity from their long time good ol’ product demo formula of advertising to highlight the benefits of their new Pledge furniture cleaner. We agreed to do it, only if we could lock people in glass boxes to torture them with it…well sorta. Point made.